Register To Vote
Voting is an exercised responsibility. Every vote matters; Chatham elections often come down to just a handful of votes.

Register "R"
Every voter in your household should be a registered Republican. Check your registration and help us clean up the voter rolls.

The 2021 Election will be predominently IN-PERSON. You may still choose to vote-by-mail by applying using the application linked below.
Register To Vote In Chatham Township and Chatham Borough
Voting is our responsibility to ourselves, our families and our community as it exists now and in the future. It is how we peacefully renew our culture and our society. Make sure everyone in your household is registered to vote.
If you live in Chatham Borough, Chatham Township or Green Village you are a Morris County Resident. This is the form for all Morris County residents to Register Now
To register in New Jersey, you must be:
To register in New Jersey, you must be:
- A United States citizen
- At least 17 years old, though you may not vote until you have reached the age of 18
- A resident of the county for 30 days before the election
- A person not serving a sentence of incarceration as the result of a conviction of any indictable offense under the laws of this or another state or of the United States.
The registrant must complete a Voter Registration Application and/or Party Affiliation Form. Mail or deliver the Voter Registration Application and/or Party Affiliation Form to the County Commissioner of Registration or Superintendent of Elections for your county.
You are not eligible to register to vote if:
- You are serving a sentence as a result of a conviction of an indictable offense under the laws of this or another state or of the United States.
The registration deadline to vote in the next election is 21 days prior to the election day.
Register As A Republican
Join the Party started by Abraham Lincoln. Stand for liberty, dignity and responsibility.
Become A Registered Republican
Declare your party affiliation today on Line 13 of your voter registration form.
When you register to vote, you have the option of declaring a Political Party Affiliation. On Line 13 of the registration form you check "yes" and write in "Republican".
Change Your Party Affiliation to Republican
Fill out the party affiliation section of the voter registration form. You will find this on Line 13, check "yes" and write in "Republican".
For the 2021 Primary Election, the form must be submitted before April 14, 2021.
Unsure If You're Already A Republican? Have A Question?
Contact us and we will do our best to help you!
Vote-By-Mail For Chatham Borough and Chatham Township
You can Vote-by-Mail in any upcoming election if you apply.
Vote by Mail begins with Registration.
You must be a registered voter to apply for Vote-by-Mail. Look above for information on voter registration in Chatham Borough and Chatham Township.
Gov. Murphy recently declared the 2021 Primary Election will be predominently IN-PERSON. You may still choose to vote-by-mail by applying using the application linked below.